A heartwarming collection of wisdom and memories from a remarkable life. πŸ“š

🎧 Listening time: 7 hrs and 45 mins
⭐ Community rating: 4.4 / 5

πŸ“œ Introduction
πŸ” What is this audiobook about?
❓ Should I listen to it?

Introduction to A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety

This memoir represents the reflections and memories of a 90-year-old man regarding his personal and public life.

It explores his life experience, including his professional journey in politics, his dedication to humanitarian causes, and all the challenges he stumbled upon on the way.

The author, Jimmy Carter, was the 39th president of the United States. He was also the longest-living president.

The insights of a person in that societal position who lived to be 99 years old are precious.

What is A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety about?

The author opens up about his early life and the dynamics within his family. He openly discusses the difficulties he faced in the White House during his political career. He touches on a lot of issues.

While some have been resolved, others remain pending, such as drug-related issues, intelligence agencies, and the potential for nuclear war.

In his memoir, Carter shares his passion for the topics that deeply matter to him, including women’s rights.

Should I listen to A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety audiobook?

The audiobook holds significance in the context of history and helps the listeners gain a deeper understanding of current American politics.

It is a reflective and emotional retrospective of Jimmy Carter’s life, where he shares his reflections and experiences honestly and directly.

Some appreciate insights into Carter’s progressive values, humble beginnings, and post-presidential contributions. However, a few negative reviews criticize the audiobook’s reporting style, considering it their least favorite among Carter’s works. Despite this, many find the summary helpful for its concise overview and recommend it to those seeking a quick understanding of Carter’s life.

πŸ“ Book Author: Jimmy Carter
πŸŽ™ Audiobook Narrator: Michael Gilboe

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